Project Management
We manage projects aimed at enabling farmers of all sizes to adopt better practices and sustainably grow more food.
We have decades of expertise and experience managing projects for local and international agencies such as USAID’s MARKETS projects which are agro-based development projects that have a major objective of promoting agricultural commodity competitiveness, value addition and enhanced productivity for food security, wealth creation and improved livelihood of mostly the poor agrarian populace.
These projects seek to accomplish the following sub objectives:
- Develop rice out-growers base to facilitate the supply of better quality rice paddy to partnering processors within the project locations. The tasks under this objective involves the mobilization and training of rice farmers in the use and adoption of improved rice farming technologies for high productivity and good quality rice paddy, group formation, credit mobilization and effective utilization of mobilized credit for farm operations.
- Provide technical assistance to the out-growers through agricultural extension delivery services.
- Aid farmers in the procurement of farm inputs, for optimum farm output.
- Monitor costs, yields, sales and returns from the networked farmers through Pre-season and In-season costs and Yield, sales and income surveys.